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Oregon Criminal Records:
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Browse these State of Oregon Judicial Information Network lists by date for Benton County, State of Oregon Court Calendars.
Browse this Benton County, State of Oregon Sheriff's Office Community Corrections Parole and Probation Violation "Wanted List" by name for fugitive parole absconders.
Search by name, city or zipcode for outstanding warrant cases in Clackamas County, State of Oregon.
Browse this Douglas County, State of Oregon Police database by name, photo, and crime committed for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Use this Jefferson County, State of Oregon service to browse by name for active arrest warrants.
Most wanted fugitives in Josephine County, Oregon. Information is provided by the Community Corrections Of Josephine County.
Browse for wanted fugitives in Lincoln County, State of Oregon by photo to view information including name, photo, description, last known residence, vehicle, and other information.
Browse this Malheur County, State of Oregon Community Corrections list by name and photo for wanted persons / outstanding warrants.
Browse this Umatilla-Morrow County, State of Oregon Police database by name and photo committed for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Browse the FBI's Portland, State of Oregon Most Wanted List by name and photograph. Provides description and offense.
State of Oregon Registered Sex Offenders. Search by name, DOB, age range, description, or location. Click on "Map Offenders" to search by address and view an interactive map.
Browse this list of most wanted fugitives issued by the State of Washington County, State of Oregon Sheriff.
Subscribe to the State of Oregon Judicial Information Network (OJIN) service to search all 36 State of Oregon counties for civil, small claims, tax, domestic, and criminal court records.
Browse this Umatilla-Morrow County, State of Oregon Police database by name and photo committed for a list of the most wanted fugitives.
Browse this list of most wanted fugitives issued by the Union/Wallowa County, State of Oregon Department of parole and probation.
Provided by: City of Beaverton, State of Oregon Police Department. Search by address, neighborhood, or citywide, type of crime, and date to view crime maps and crime statistics.
Browse these State of Oregon Judicial Information Network lists by date for Benton County, State of Oregon Court Calendars.
Provided by: City of Eugene, State of Oregon. Browse this service to view crime statistics maps, by neighborhood or distance from address and date.
Select "State of Oregon" to search VineLink for State of Oregon inmates and offenders by name and optionally by date of birth or age range.
Provided by: City of Portland, State of Oregon Police Bureau. Use this service to map neighborhood crimes by address with CrimeMapper, download neighborhood crime statistics, and view precinct maps.